ADHD & Neurodiversity Specialist

I am an ADHD, Neurodiversity & Mental Health Specialist delivering sold-out public lectures, corporate training, keynote speeches & bespoke solutions.

Additionally I’m a lecturer of mental health nursing at Northumbria University and hold the role of Neurodiversity Champion for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion across Nursing, Midwifery & Health.

Growing up in Newcastle, I was diagnosed with ADHD at the early age of just 5 years old, and had an extremely traumatic educational journey. The lack of awareness, education & support around neurodiversity & mental health were the main contributing factors to this, therefore I’ve now made it my mission to improve the knowledge & skills of as many people as possible, so that no other child goes through the same experience I did.

Outside of work, I live with my wife and young son. I find fatherhood incredibly rewarding, and spend most of my time with my family. I’m also interested in the experiences of parents & parental wellbeing regarding neurodivergent children, and spend a lot of time researching this. Otherwise, you’ll either find me travelling, reading, playing dungeons & dragons, or competing in triathlons.

Throughout my educational journey I was told I’d never achieve anything… Now I have a PhD. How many children are being told this narrative today? And how many does it come true for?