Tom Nicholson Tom Nicholson

ADHD & Burnout

Burnout is incredibly common in those of us who are neurodivergent. Often our minds are going at a hundred miles per hour, despite what we look like from the outside, which means that many people feel (and evidence suggests) that ADHDers more easily reach burnout when compared to those without ADHD. Burnout also looks very different for everyone, for some of us it means going about our days as usual but doing the bare minimum. For others, it's crippling to the point of being unable to leave their bed…

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Tom Nicholson Tom Nicholson

The ADHD Mother

If you are an ADHD parent and feel like you are constantly fighting for your child… Just know, it’s completely normal to feel that way. Everyone I have spoken to as part of my PhD research said exactly that, you are not alone. Pre & post diagnosis, you’re fighting schools, healthcare systems, CYPS, for diagnosis, for recognition, for support, for your child’s rights.

You’re spinning hundreds of plates, while walking a tightrope. For basic healthcare provision.

Mothers have to conceptualise themselves when ADHD is in their world. My research has shown that generally mothers of ADHD children fall into one of four categories…

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