Invited Research Conference Presentations:


Northumbria University Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Conference

Facilitator of the Navigating Neurodiversity at Northumbria Panel


BSA Medical Sociology Conference Sussex

Presentation Title: Parental Illness Work Across The ADHD Diagnostic Journey


ADHD Foundation and ADHD Ireland Virtual Conference Speaker: ADHD and Enabling Opportunities

Presentation Title: The Parental Experience of the ADHD Diagnostic Journey

ADHD Foundation Conference Speaker: Neurodiversity: A New Paradigm

Presentation Title: The Parental Experience of the ADHD Diagnostic Journey

Keynote Speaker for East Sussex ISEND Mental Health Conference for Schools and Colleges

Presentation Title: An Atypical Awareness of ADHD


ADHD Foundation Conference Speaker

Presentation Title: Towards A Balanced View of ADHD: The Positive ADHD Project

Academic Papers:

Nicholson, T & Lee, R (2024) ‘Illness Work Across the ADHD Diagnostic Journey’. Target Journal: Sociology of Health and Illness. Pending Submission.

Bruce, T., Nicholson, T., Ban, S., Chapney-Smith, E., & Eleftheropoulou (2024) Exploring The Impact of an Immersive Multisensory Environment for Neuroinclusive Experiential Education. Writing Up.

Nicholson, T (2023) “It’s Not Just a Thing, It’s Everything” A Longitudinal Narrative Study on the Parental Experience of the ADHD Diagnostic Journey. Doctoral Thesis, Northumbria University.

Nicholson, T (2019) ‘A Nurse’s Introduction to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’ British Journal Of Nursing 28(11). Pp. 678-680.

Nicholson, T (2018) 'Outcomes of Untreated Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and the Mental Health Nurse'. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing 7(3). pp. 113-118.

Current Projects:

PhD Supervision: Understanding The Experiences of LQBTQ+ Parents of ADHD Children

ADHD and Meaningful Exercise

Guest Lecturer: Durham University Developmental Psychopathology MSc